Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What can I say? I have a chip on my shoulder!

Well, now, it has been a long time since I took the time to write a blog entry. I have something I need to say and to tell you the truth, I really could care less who reads this and what people might say.

So, my high school's ten year reunion is coming up. My first beef with this reunion is the fact that it is on Thanksgiving weekend. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's just what I want to do is waste my holiday weekend with people that I couldn't stand in high school! That's the second beef I have with this shindig. Why IN THE CRAP would I want to pay money to spend an evening with people I couldn't stand in high school and that couldn't stand me??? The people that I would give the time of day to are my friends on Facebook and even some of my friends on Facebook don't even talk to me. I am most likely going to revamp my Facebook friends again but that is off topic. Back to what I was saying. IF I ever go back to Pittsburgh for a visit, which most likely I will next summer, I will contact the people I want to see through Facebook and let them know when I am coming for a visit. The third beef is the cost. Not only would I have to fork out money for my traveling and lodging expenses but I would have to find someone that could watch my kids for me. AND THEN pay for a dinner that will most likely taste like the box that it arrived in and look like baby vomit!!! Lastly, I would have to pay for drinks and I would be drinking A HELL OF A LOT just so I could stomach looking at those people!!!!

I have a life and I am not about to waste my time on that! Some of my friends know how I feel already so I am sure they would get a HUGE kick out of this rant.

I leave you with the short version of why I'm not going to my WONDERFUL high school reunion:

1. I DON'T CARE 2. I DON'T CARE 3. I DON'T CARE 4. I DON'T CARE and 5. Can you guess?????

Friday, May 6, 2011

Argosy University Online sets new policy in place...FAIL!!!

So, I logged on to my school website so I can start preparing for my classes that start Monday May 9th, 2011 only to find out that they are no longer allowing access to the classrooms before the first day of class. WHAT??? I need those three extra days to get prepared. I usually will print my lectures, get my assignments situated, get all of my chapters that are assigned marked and ask any questions to my professors that I might have about the first couple of assignments. This is insane that they implemented this new policy. It figures that people that post before the start date of class would ruin it for EVERYONE!!!! I am so angry about this. I have a hard enough time managing my time when classes are in session but to take away my three day leeway is ludicrous.

I have to say Argosy University Online, this is a complete FAIL!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Horrible Tragedies Down South

I live in Myrtle Beach, SC so these tornadoes that have hit Alabama and Georgia really weren't all that far away. Yesterday, April 28th, 2011, we had tornado warnings all day. Nothing like trying to prepare for the worst and explain to your children why mommy has candles and food supply in the bathroom and why mommy is taking their mattresses out of their bedrooms. I wanted to make sure that the only thing I had to grab was my kids and put them into the tub.

Now imagine being in the belly of the beast so to speak. These poor people that have had their lives completely uprooted and some people even had their lives taken. I want to be able to help them down here but how? Who has started programs that will ensure that the citizens affected by the storms will actually receive the help that people are giving? I feel that these people are not getting the news coverage that they deserve. This country needs to stop focusing on less important things and more on helping their own citizens that have been affected by such horrible devastation.

If anyone knows of a program or something that will allow others to send care packages to these people, please post a comment. I know of several people that would love to be able to help.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feeling SOOO much better today....

I had a day by myself yesterday and I feel tons better. Went to my mom and dad's house to clean and stayed for dinner. Had a blast with my dad. He is so funny. Today I get to get out of this house again. I may be working out in the hot sun today but at least I'll be out of this house. I'm going with my dad to help him with some sidework that he is doing for some friends of my aunt.

I don't feel as sad today or angry with the world. I'm so glad that I feel better because I hate feeling sad.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Feeling a little down lately....

I think not working is keeping me feeling sad. All I do is stay in the house, do homework, housework and spend all my time with my kids. Don't get me wrong, I like spending time with my kids and everything but I need some adult time too. My husband and I haven't been out on a date since our anniversary in December. It's nice being so close to family and what not but they don't take both kids overnight unless I beg. They will take Jarrett all the time overnight but not Joel. I guess it is easier to have a night out when you only have one kid. We have to do something soon before I go crazy.

The other thing that makes me sad lately is Justin's off hours. I feel like I never get to see him because by the time he gets home from work I have to start homework and then after I am done with that I'm exhausted and it is usually late so I have to go to bed in order to get up early for Jarrett.

I hardly ever have any time for myself. I have to wait for Justin to be home to take a damn shower because if I am out of ear shot for more than 5 minutes in this house, someone is crying, usually Joel but Jarrett will too sometimes. People should be a fly on the wall when I have to go to the bathroom. My kids cry and whine for something EVERY TIME I have to go to the bathroom or want to go outside for a smoke. I need a break. Even as I type this my kids are fighting and yelling back and forth and asking me for stuff. Imagine that............

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Totally Overwhelmed...

Well, lately things have been very stressful. Between getting turned down for jobs, school , the house, the kids and my stomach issues I have not been sleeping well. I am feeling overwhelmed with everything. I think I was less overwhelmed and less stressed when I was working a full time job as well as doing everything else. My stomach ulcers are flairing up lately which is caused by my stress. Because of my stomach issues, I have been getting behind on assignments for school since I am completely wiped out every day.

I only have 12 more classes before I graduate. I am worried about this too. After I graduate, am I going to find a job at least closely related to the field that I am going to school for? Or, am I going to have a $60,000 debt that I will have to pay back and never get a job in my field (my debt isn't that much but you know what I mean)? I am freaking out about this. I can't believe that it has been almost 3 years since I went back to college. I am actually sick over graduating too. I don't want to be done with school. I love school. I do want to go back and get my Master's degree but I know that probably won't happen ever. I just can't afford it.

That is another thing that bugs the shit out of me. I can't get a damn job. I am constantly worried about money. I feel like I am not helping my family. Even though, I am saving us money by not having the kids in day care and what not. The other thing is how am I going to afford to pay off my student loans. I just can't understand why people like me (meaning, people in the lower income bracket) cannot get help paying for school. All the money that the government spends on crap but they can't help people get an education or give more money to schools for our children to get a good education.

Eh....I'm going to have a stroke if I can't settle myself down.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pet Peeve (at least one of mine)

So, lately I have noticed that people put down those that are on the welfare programs. I guess I take offense to this because I am on the program right now. I don't know what bothers me more, the put downs or the fact that if you have never been on the program then you don't know.

Here are some questions that I have for people that put others down:

1. Do you think that I like not having a job?
2. Do you think that I like feeling that I can't take care of my family on my own?
3. Do you think that I like feeling that I am taking more than my share of welfare money because the job market is so bad that I can't get a job?
4. Do you think that I like having to borrow money off of my family to pay my bills because what my husband makes doesn't quite pay the bills?

I'm sure that I can think of other questions if I wanted to sit here all day and ponder on them and jot them all down.

My point is, there are some out there that use and abuse the system yes. I think that the system should be able to pop in on families that are on welfare to see how they are living. I also think that, as I saw on facebook today, that drug testing should be mandatory in order to stay on the program.

However, as I have learned in my Sociology class this past semester: You cannot stereotype a whole group based on a few from that group.

So, before you judge someone that is on the welfare programs maybe you should stop and think about their situation and ask yourself how you would feel if someone was judging you about your misfortunes.

"People fear what they do not understand and hate what they cannot conquer." ~Andrew Smith